Danielle E. Endres, Ph.D.
Danielle Endres, Nuclear Decolonization: Indigenous Resistance to High-Level Nuclear Waste Siting, Ohio State University Press, 2023
Andrea Feldpausch-Parker, Danielle Endres, Tarla Rai Peterson, & Stephanie Gomez, eds., Routledge Handbook of Energy Democracy, New York, NY: Routledge, 2022.
Samantha Senda-Cook, Aaron Hess, Michael Middleton, & Danielle Endres, eds., Readings in Rhetorical Fieldwork, New York, NY: Routledge, 2019.
Michael Middleton, Aaron Hess, Danielle Endres, & Samantha Senda-Cook [equal authorship], Participatory Critical Rhetoric: Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Studying Rhetoric In Situ. Lanham, MD: Lexington Press, 2015.
Danielle Endres, Leah Sprain, and Tarla Rai Peterson, eds., Social Movement for Climate Change: Local Action for Global Change. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2009.
Special Issue Editor
Danielle Endres, Aaron Hess, Samantha Senda-Cook, & Michael Middleton, “In Situ Rhetoric: Intersections between Qualitative Inquiry, Fieldwork, and Rhetoric,” Cultural Studies ó Critical Methodologies, 16, no. 6 (2016): 511-524.
Journal Articles
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Samantha Senda-Cook, Danielle Endres, Stacey Sowards, & Bridie McGreavy, “The Complexities of Temporality in Environmental Rhetoric,” Frontiers of Science and Environmental Communication, in press.
Megan O’Byrne & Danielle Endres, “This Land is Our Land: Protesting to Protect Places on the Margin,” Environmental Communication, 15, no. 7 (2021), 887-903.
Taylor N. Johnson* & Danielle Endres, “Decolonizing Settler Public Address: The Role of Settler Scholars,” [Special Issue on The Future of Rhetoric & Public Address] Rhetoric & Public Address, in press.
Aaron Hess, Samantha Senda-Cook, Michael Middleton, & Danielle Endres, “(Participatory) Critical Rhetoric: Critiqued and Reconsidered,” International Journal of Communication, 14 (2020), 870-884.
Danielle Endres, “Environmental Criticism” [Special Issue on Rhetorical Criticism], Western Journal of Communication, 84, no. 3 (2020): 314-331.
Nicolas C. Hernandez*, Cristi C. Horton, Danielle Endres, & Tarla Rai Peterson, “The Frontier Myth in U.S. Offshore Wind Energy Communication,” Frontiers in Science and Environmental Communication, 2019, https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2019.00057.
Andrea Feldpausch-Parker, Danielle Endres, & Tarla Rai Peterson, “Editorial: A Research Agenda for Energy Democracy,” [Editorial for Research Topic on Energy Democracy] Frontiers of Science and Environmental Communication, 2019, https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2019.00053.
22. Brian Cozen, Danielle Endres, Tarla Rai Peterson, & Cristi Horton, "Energy Communication: Theory and Praxis Toward a Sustainable Energy Future," Environmental Communication, 12, no. 3 (2018): 289-294.
Danielle Endres, Aaron Hess, Samantha Senda-Cook, & Michael Middleton, “In Situ Rhetoric: Intersections between Qualitative Inquiry, Fieldwork, and Rhetoric,” Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies, 16, no. 6 (2016): 511-524.
Michael Middleton, Samantha Senda-Cook, Aaron Hess, & Danielle Endres, “Contemplating the Participatory Turn in Rhetorical Criticism,” Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies, 16, no. 6 (2016): 571-580.
Danielle Endres, Brian Cozen*, Megan O’Byrne*, Andrea Feldpausch-Parker & Tarla Rai Peterson, “Putting the U in Carbon Capture and Storage: Rhetorical Boundary Negotiation within the CCS/CCUS Scientific Community,” Journal of Applied Communication Research, 44, no. 4 (2016): 362-380.
Danielle Endres, Samantha Senda-Cook, & Brian Cozen*, “Not Just a Place to Park Your Car: PARK(ing) as Spatial Argument," Argumentation & Advocacy 50, no. 3 (2014): 121-140. ***LEAD ARTICLE
George F. McHendry, Jr., Michael K. Middleton, Danielle Endres, Samantha Senda-Cook, & Megan O’Byrne,“Rhetorical Critic(ism)’s Body: Affect & Fieldwork on a Plane of Immanence,” Southern Communication Journal 79, no. 4 (2014): 293-310.
Danielle Endres, “Animist Intersubjectivity as Argumentation: Western Shoshone and Southern Paiute Arguments Against a Nuclear Waste Site at Yucca Mountain,” Argumentation 27, no. 2 (2013): 183-200.
Andrea M. Feldpausch-Parker, Megan O’Byrne*, Danielle Endres, & Tarla Rai Peterson,“The Adventures of Carbon Bond: Using a Melodramatic Game to Explain CCS as a Mitigation Strategy for Climate Change,” Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 3,no. 1 (2013): 21-29.
Danielle Endres, “Sacred Land or National Sacrifice Zone: Competing Values in the Yucca Mountain Controversy,” Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture 6, no. 3 (2012): 328-345.
Danielle Endres & Samantha Senda-Cook*, “Location Matters: The Rhetoric of Place in Protest,” Quarterly Journal of Speech 97, no. 3 (2011): 257-282. ***LEAD ARTICLE
Michael K. Middleton*, Samantha Senda-Cook*, & Danielle Endres, “Articulating Rhetorical Field Methods,” Western Journal of Communication 75, no. 4 (2011): 386-406. ***2012 B. AUBRY FISHER AWARD
Danielle Endres, “Environmental Oral History” [praxis article] Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture 5, no. 4 (2011): 485-498.
Danielle Endres, “American Indian Activism and Audience: Rhetorical Analysis of Leonard Peltier’s Response to Denial of Clemency,” Communication Reports 24, no. 1 (2011): 1-11. ***LEAD ARTICLE
Leah Sprain, Danielle Endres & Tarla Rai Peterson, “Research as a transdisciplinary networked process: A metaphor for difference-making research,” [special forum] Communication Monographs 77, no. 4 (2010), 441-444.
Danielle Endres & Mary Gould*, “I am also in the position to use my whiteness to help them out’: The Communication of Whiteness in Service Learning,” Western Journal of Communication, 73, no. 4 (2009), 418-436.
Danielle Endres, “From Wasteland to Waste Site: The Role of Discourse in Nuclear Power’s Environmental Injustices,” Local Environment 14, no. 10 (2009), 917-937.
Danielle Endres, “Science and Public Participation: An Analysis of Public Scientific Argument in the Yucca Mountain Controversy,” Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture 3, no. 1 (2009), 49-75.
Danielle Endres, “The Rhetoric of Nuclear Colonialism: Rhetorical Exclusion of American Indian Arguments in the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Siting Decision,” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 6, no. 1 (2009), 39-60.
Danielle Endres, Leah Sprain, & Tarla Rai Peterson, “The Imperative of Praxis-based Environmental Communication Research: Suggestions from the Step It Up 2007 National Research Project,” [praxis article] Environmental Communication: Journal of Nature and Culture 2, no. 2 (2008), 237-245.
Barbara Warnick, Mike Xenos, Danielle Endres & John Gastil, “Effects of Campaign-to-User and Text-Based Interactivity in Political Candidate Campaign Web Sites,” Journal of Computer Mediated Communication 10, no. 3 (2005), http://jcmc.indiana.edu/.
Danielle Endres & Barbara Warnick, “Text-based Interactivity in Candidate Campaign Web Sites: A Case Study from the 2002 Elections,” Western Journal of Communication 68, no. 3 (2004), 322-342.
Book Chapters
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Ian Summers*, Alley Agee*, Monica Scott*, Danielle Endres, “The Discursive Construction of the Anti-Nuclear Activist,” in Networking Argument, ed. Carol Winkler, New York: Routledge, 2019.
Katie Hunt, Nicholas Paliewiscz, & Danielle Endres, “The Radical Potential of Public Participation Processes: Using Indecorous Voice and Resistance to Expand the Scope of Public Participation,” in Breaking Boundaries of Communication and Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making, eds., Katie Hunt, Gregg Walker, & Stephen Depoe, Albany NY: SUNY Press, 2019, 149-172.
Samantha Senda-Cook, Michael Middleton, & Danielle Endres, “Rhetorical Cartographies: (Counter) Mapping Urban Spaces,” in Field Rhetoric: Ethnography, Ecology, and Engagement in Public Persuasion, eds., Candace Rai & Caroline Gottschalk Druschke, Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press, 2018, 95-119.
Danielle Endres, “The Most Nuclear Bombed Place: Ecological Implications of the U.S. Nuclear Testing Program,” in Tracing Rhetoric and Material Life: Ecological Approaches, eds., Bridie McGreavy, Justine Wells, George F. McHendry, Jr., & Samantha Senda-Cook, Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 253-288.
Danielle Endres, Brian Cozen*, Joshua Trey Barnett*, Megan O’Byrne*, & Tarla Rai Peterson, “Communicating Energy in a Climate (of) Crisis,” in Communication Yearbook 40, ed. Elisa Cohen, New York, NY: Routledge, 2016, 419-447.
Samantha Senda-Cook, Michael K. Middleton, & Danielle Endres, “Interrogating the Field,” in Text + Field: Innovations in Rhetorical Method, eds., Sara L. McKinnon, Robert Asen, Karma R. Chavez, &, Robert Glenn Howard, University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, 2016, 22-39.
Danielle Endres, Brian Cozen*, Megan O’Byrne*, & Andrea Feldpausch-Parker, “Performances of an International Professional Community: CCS/CCUS and its National Contexts,” in Environmental Communication and Community: Constructive and Destructive Dynamics of Social Transformation, eds., Tarla Rai Peterson, Hanna Ljunggren Bergea, Andrea M. Feldpausch-Parker, & Kaisa Raitio, New York, NY:Routledge, 2016, 55-74.
William J. Kinsella, Dorothy Andreas, & Danielle Endres, “Communicating Nuclear Power: A Programmatic Review,” in Communication Yearbook 39, ed. Elisa Cohen, New York, NY: Routledge, 2015, 277-310
Danielle Endres, “The (Im)possibility of Voice in Environmental Advocacy,” [response essay] in Voice and Environmental Communication, eds. Jennifer Peeples & Stephen Depoe, Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 110-124.
Samantha Senda-Cook & Danielle Endres, “A Place of One’s Own,” in Environmental Rhetoric: Ecologies of Place, ed. Peter N. Goggin, New York, NY: Routledge, 2013, 143-154.
Danielle Endres & Megan O'Byrne*, “Music as Argument: Is Singing an (Un)Reasonable Response to Global Climate Change?,” in Reasoned Argument and Social Change, ed. Robert Rowland, Washington D.C., National Communication Association, 2011, 521-528.
6. Danielle Endres & Samantha Senda-Cook*, “Place-based Argument, Public Protest, and Climate Change: An Analysis of the 2007 Step It Up Rally in Salt Lake City,” Concerning Argument, ed., Scott Jacobs, Washington D.C., National Communication Association, 2009, 222-232.
Danielle Endres, Samantha Senda-Cook*, Deborah Callister*, Autumn Garrison*, & Julie Schutten*, “Step What Up?: The Rhetorical Framing of Salt Lake City’s Step It Up Events,” in Social Movement for Climate Change: Local Action for Global Change, eds. Danielle Endres, Leah Sprain & Tarla Rai Peterson, Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2009, 117-146.
Danielle Endres, Tracylee Clarke, Autumn Garrison*, & Tarla Rai Peterson, “Toward Just Climate Change Coalitions: Challenges and Possibilities in the Step It Up 2007 Campaign,” in Social Movement for Climate Change: Local Action for Global Change, eds. Danielle Endres, Leah Sprain & Tarla Rai Peterson Amherst, NY: Cambria
Press, 2009, 179-210.
3. Leah Sprain, Danielle Endres, &Tarla Rai Peterson, “Introduction,” in Social Movement for Climate Change: Local Action for Global Change, eds. Danielle Endres, Leah Sprain & Tarla Rai Peterson, Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2009, 1-14.
2. Danielle Endres, “Expanding Our Notions of Scientific Argument: A Case Study in the Use of Scientific Argument by Native Americans in Public Hearings,” in Communicating Science: New Agendas in Communication, eds. LeeAnn Kahlor & Patricia Stout, New York, NY: Routledge, 2009), 187-208.
Danielle Endres & Theodore Prosise, “Negotiating Symbolic Capital in Argument Fields: An Empirical Study of Discursive Struggle,” in Critical Problems in Argumentation, ed., Charles Aurthur Willard, Washington, D.C.: National Communication Association, 2005, 684-661.
Book Reviews
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Danielle Endres, Review of Indian Spectacle: College Mascots and the Anxiety of Modern America for History of Education Quarterly, in press
Danielle Endres, Review of Deliberative Democracy for the Future: The Case of Nuclear Waste Management in Canada (2008), Argumentation and Advocacy 45 (Winter 2009):171-176.
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Endres, Danielle and DuPont, Michael D. (2016) "Rhetoric, Climate Change, and Social Justice: An Interview with Dr. Danielle Endres," Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis: Vol. 5: Iss. 2, Article 4.
Encyclopedia Entries
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Danielle Endres, “Burning Man,” in Encyclopedia of Community, eds., R. Jarrett, D. Judd, W. Metcalf, R. Moudry, S. Salamon, T. Sander, M. Shuman, B. Wellman & M. Zuckerman, Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing, 2003, 110-111.
Popular Writing
Danielle Endres, “Nuclear Testing as a Form of Colonization,” Salt Lake Tribune, https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/commentary/2020/07/15/danielle-endres-nuclear/ (July 2020)
Danielle Endres, “Some People Are Paying Attention to Climate Change,” Salt Lake Tribune, https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/commentary/2019/12/17/danielle-endres-some/ (December 2019)
Danielle Endres, “Engaging the Nexus of Environmental Rhetoric and Indigenous Rights,” Spectra, (March 2019)
Danielle Endres, “Theory: Decolonization,” Beautiful Rising, https://beautifulrising.org/module/decolonization (August 2016)
Danielle Endres, “Theory: Decolonization” Beautiful Solutions,
https://solutions.thischangeseverything.org/#module/decolonization (October 2014).
Danielle Endres, “Case Study: Park(ing) Day” Beautiful Trouble,
http://beautifultrouble.org/case/parking-day/ (September 2015)