Danielle E. Endres, Ph.D.
Energy Communication & Energy Democracy

I am interested in the role of rhetoric and communication in the sociopolitical aspects of energy policy and energy transition. My research on energy communication has been supported by grants from the National Science Foundation Science Technology and Society division. In a book chapter in the International Communication Association’s Communication Yearbook series my co-authors and I stake out “energy communication” as a new sub-field in communication and outline several paths forward for research in this emerging and socially significant area. In another Communication Yearbook book chapter, my co-authors and I offer a programmatic review of communication research on nuclear power, which won the National Communication Association’s Christine L. Oravec Book Chapter Award. I co-organized an interdisciplinary symposium on energy democracy to examine how to enhance the role of democratic decision-making in the pursuit of new energy technologies and systems. This resulted in the Routledge Handbook of Energy Democracy (pictured here). Currently, I am collaborating with Nicolas Hernandez on a rhetorical fieldwork project about energy democracy in Puerto Rico.